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Kayseri Şeker Düşey Film Evaporatör
Kayseri Şeker Düşey Film Evaporatör

Coal-Fired Boilers

A front furnace and rear furnace are made to create a combustion chamber for boilers with solid fuel combustion systems inasmuch as the system requires foregoing; design of the front furnace is made according to the shape of grid (rotary, pushing forward-sloped, fixed-sloped or fixed flat) selected in line with the type and calories of the solid fuel to be employed.

However, there is a single combustion chamber in fluidized bed boilers because there is natural burning circulation.

Fluidized Bed Boiler

Fluidized bed boilers are typically utilized for power generation and steam requirements. The characteristic structure of boilers our boilers provide high efficiency thanks to the clean combustion technology, reliability and low emissions.

Front Furnace

The front furnace added to the front side of the boiler essentially is made up of pipe-sheet bar-pipe walls consisting of radiation pipes. The space created for passage of the flue gas caused by the fuel burning in the grill to furnace is covered with pipes having water vapor therein.

A large part of the radiation heat caused by the fuel burning in the grill will be received by these water walls, so that a heat transfer in addition to the capacity of the boiler will be provided. The front furnaces are designed and manufactured to have a grill surface to burn sufficient coal in line with the capacity of the boiler and to provide combustion volume.

The front furnaces are designed and manufactured in diaphragm type of construction with pipe-sheet bar-pipe being completely gas-tight consisting of front furnace distribution and collection manifolds and there are drain valves and connection flanges in the sub-collector.

The front furnace will have connections with the boiler by virtue of pipes with adequate sections. Connection pipes with the front furnace is isolated with100 mm thick 65 kg/m3 mattress type glass wool and coated with1 mm thick galvanized steel.

Rear Furnace

The rear furnace added to the rear side of the boiler essentially is made up of pipe-sheet bar-pipe walls consisting of radiation pipes. The rear furnace created for second passage of the flue gas coming from the furnace is covered with water walls. A heat transfer in addition to the capacity of the boiler can be provided thanks to radiation heat of the gases hitting the walls. The water walls of rear furnaces are designed and manufactured in diaphragm type of construction with pipe-sheet bar-pipe being completely gas-tight.
The rear furnace pipes are collected in two collectors and collectors have connections with the boiler. The rear furnace pipes are isolated with 100 mm thick 65 kg/m3 glass wool and coated with1 mm thick galvanized steel.

Water-tube Boilers

A combustion chamber is formed in the system structure. Again, the shape of the combustion chamber is designed depending on choice of fuel and the grill.

Coal-Fired Boilers

A front furnace and rear furnace are made to create a combustion chamber for boilers with solid fuel combustion systems inasmuch as the system requires foregoing; design of the front furnace is made according to the shape of grid (rotary, pushing forward-sloped, fixed-sloped or fixed flat) selected in line with the type and calories of the solid fuel to be employed.

However, there is a single combustion chamber in fluidized bed boilers because there is natural burning circulation.

Fluidized Bed Boiler

Fluidized bed boilers are typically utilized for power generation and steam requirements. The characteristic structure of boilers our boilers provide high efficiency thanks to the clean combustion technology, reliability and low emissions.

Front Furnace

The front furnace added to the front side of the boiler essentially is made up of pipe-sheet bar-pipe walls consisting of radiation pipes. The space created for passage of the flue gas caused by the fuel burning in the grill to furnace is covered with pipes having water vapor therein.

A large part of the radiation heat caused by the fuel burning in the grill will be received by these water walls, so that a heat transfer in addition to the capacity of the boiler will be provided. The front furnaces are designed and manufactured to have a grill surface to burn sufficient coal in line with the capacity of the boiler and to provide combustion volume.

The front furnaces are designed and manufactured in diaphragm type of construction with pipe-sheet bar-pipe being completely gas-tight consisting of front furnace distribution and collection manifolds and there are drain valves and connection flanges in the sub-collector.

The front furnace will have connections with the boiler by virtue of pipes with adequate sections. Connection pipes with the front furnace is isolated with100 mm thick 65 kg/m3 mattress type glass wool and coated with1 mm thick galvanized steel.

Rear Furnace

The rear furnace added to the rear side of the boiler essentially is made up of pipe-sheet bar-pipe walls consisting of radiation pipes. The rear furnace created for second passage of the flue gas coming from the furnace is covered with water walls. A heat transfer in addition to the capacity of the boiler can be provided thanks to radiation heat of the gases hitting the walls. The water walls of rear furnaces are designed and manufactured in diaphragm type of construction with pipe-sheet bar-pipe being completely gas-tight.
The rear furnace pipes are collected in two collectors and collectors have connections with the boiler. The rear furnace pipes are isolated with 100 mm thick 65 kg/m3 glass wool and coated with1 mm thick galvanized steel.

Water-tube Boilers

A combustion chamber is formed in the system structure. Again, the shape of the combustion chamber is designed depending on choice of fuel and the grill.